Pro XS – 175 – 300 hp

Pershkrim rreth motorrit

I pakrahasuar në bashkimin e shpejtësisë,ekonomi gazi dhe page të ulët pronësie. Shumë e mire për basin dhe shumë llojet e peshkut.


HP / kW 300 / 224
Engine type V8
MidSection Conventional MidSection
Displacement (CID/CC) 279 CID
Displacement (L) 4.6L
Cylinder Configuration V-8 [64 degree] with Dual Overhead Cam [DOHC] and 32-valves
Full throttle RPM 5600-6200
Air induction Performance-Tuned Long-Runner Intake Manifold
Fuel induction system Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Computer Controlled with Advanced Range Optimization
Alternator amp / Watt 85-amp (1071 Watt) with Idle Charge
Lexo me shume

Pershkrim rreth motorrit

Shumë e mire për varkat e shumë llojeve të peshkut.


HP / kW 250 / 186
Engine type V8
MidSection Conventional MidSection
Displacement (CID/CC) 279 CID
Displacement (L) 4.6L
Cylinder Configuration V-8 [64 degree] with Dual Overhead Cam [DOHC] and 32-valves
Full throttle RPM 5600-6200
Air induction Performance-Tuned Long-Runner Intake Manifold
Fuel induction system Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Computer Controlled with Advanced Range Optimization
Alternator amp / Watt 85-amp (1071 Watt) with Idle Charge
Lexo me shume

Pershkrim rreth motorrit

Më shumë fuqi . Më pak gaz konsumohet. Më pak emission. Shumë e mire për varkat e shumë llojeve të peshkut.


HP / kW 225 / 168
Engine type V8
MidSection Conventional MidSection
Displacement (CID/CC) 279 CID
Displacement (L) 4.6L
Cylinder Configuration V-8 [64 degree] with Dual Overhead Cam [DOHC] and 32-valves
Full throttle RPM 5600-6200
Air induction Performance-Tuned Long-Runner Intake Manifold
Fuel induction system Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Computer Controlled with Advanced Range Optimization
Alternator amp / Watt 85-amp (1071 Watt) with Idle Charge
Lexo me shume

Pershkrim rreth motorrit

Fuqi maksimale,  cift rrotullues dhe performance për shpejtësi spektakolare dhe shpejtësi maksimale.Shumë e mire për varkat e shumë llojeve të peshkut.


HP / kW 200 / 149
Engine type V8
MidSection Conventional MidSection
Displacement (CID/CC) 279 CID
Displacement (L) 4.6L
Cylinder Configuration V-8 [64 degree] with Dual Overhead Cam [DOHC] and 32-valves
Full throttle RPM 5600-6200
Air induction Performance-Tuned Long-Runner Intake Manifold
Fuel induction system Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Computer Controlled with Advanced Range Optimization
Alternator amp / Watt 85-amp (1071 Watt) with Idle Charge
Lexo me shume

Pershkrime rreth motorrit

Inxhinjeret kanë vendosur fuqi të pabesueshme tek ky motor me peshë te lehtë dhe kompakt. Shumë e mire për varkat e shumë llojeve të peshkut.


HP / kW 175 / 130
Engine type V6
MidSection Conventional MidSection
Displacement (CID/CC) 209
Displacement (L) 3.4
Cylinder Configuration V-6 [64 degree] with Dual Overhead Cam [DOHC] and 24-valves
Full throttle RPM 5400-6000
Air induction Performance-Tuned Long-Runner Intake Manifold
Fuel induction system Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Computer Controlled with Advanced Range Optimization
Alternator amp / Watt 85-amp (1071 Watt) with Idle Charge
Lexo me shume

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